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Anke-Susanne Müller, Giovanni Carne

Beteiligtes Institut

Institut für Beschleunigerphysik und Technologie (IBPT)
Institut für Technische Physik (ITEP)




The Karlsruhe Research Accelerator KARA comprises an electron storage ring in the energy range from 0.5 to 2.5 GeV and a 50 to 500 MeV booster synchrotron. At KARA we develop and test innovative accelerator technologies from ultrafast diagnostics to new operation schemes such as low-alpha and negative-alpha operation and electron beam polarization studies. Novel methods for beam control implemented KARA include Bayesian optimization and reinforcement learning.This holistic ensemble of opportunities enables fundamental research on nonlinear dynamics of electron beams down to the timescale of microbunching instabilities. New efficient magnet technologies and superconducting devices such as undulators are tested.
Vacuum properties of beam pipes and beam screens are evaluated under synchrotron x-ray radiation.
In short: in the interdisciplinary collaboration Accelerator Technology Platform, KIT researchers develop the accelerator technologies of tomorrow: from the components that make up the building blocks for an accelerator to the complete system. Together with our industrial partners, we bring our developments into use at national and international high-performance accelerators.
To efficiently and reliably enable the operation of future large-scale research facilities, it is indispensable to conduct multi-area and multi-disciplinary research, where the facility design considers both scientific and energy-related challenges.
To face these challenges, Europe's largest research infrastructure for renewable energy, the Energy Lab 2.0 at KIT and the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator KARA are joined in the KIT test field for energy efficiency and grid stability in large-scale research infrastructure KITTEN. The goal of KITTEN is to study novel solutions for improving the energy use in particle accelerators, and, in general, in any energy-intensive research infrastructure. For example, an electrical model of the KARA accelerator has been implemented in a digital real-time simulation environment to perform comprehensive electrical analysis and control.
In the power hardware-in-the-loop process at KITTEN, the components to be tested are not directly integrated into the real system, but in a test facility with a virtual real-time system simulation.
In this way, both real operating conditions and fault cases can be tested in a controlled environment.
This simulation platform supports researchers, manufacturing companies, and system operators in analyzing, developing, and testing hardware future solutions for energy systems.

Following a successful transnational access application for KARA, KIT can provide European users from outside of Germany co-financing of an on-site visit to a KIT facility as part of EURO-LABS.

EUROpean Laboratories (EURO-LABS) for Accelerator Based Sciences provides access to a network of 45 Research Infrastructures in the fields of Nuclear Physics, Accelerator and Detector technology for High Energy Physics.

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Copyright: INFN



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Creative Commons Namensnennung – Nicht kommerziell – Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International

Auflösung 1280 x 720 Pixel
Seitenverhältnis 16:9
Audiobitrate 63151 bps
Audio Kanäle 1
Audio Codec aac
Audio Abtastrate 48000 Hz
Gesamtbitrate 1504073 bps
Container mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2
Dauer 286.934000 s
Dateiname DIVA-2024-87_mp4.mp4
Dateigröße 53.946.235 byte
Bildwiederholfrequenz 25
Videobitrate 1434983 bps
Video Codec h264

