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02: Softwaretechnik II, Vorlesung, WS 2018/19, 17.10.2018
Beteiligtes Institut
Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation (IPD)
- 0:00:00 Start
- 0:01:42 Overview on Today's Lecture
- 0:04:29 Motivation
- 0:11:23 Foundations for this lecture
- 0:12:09 What is Clean Code?
- 0:16:04 Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
- 0:18:05 The Five SOLID Principles
- 0:19:04 SOLID1: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
- 0:21:19 Single Responsibility & Interface Segregation
- 0:24:12 Insertion: Command-Query-Separation
- 0:28:44 SOLID2: Open Closed Principle (OCP)
- 0:32:43 SOLID3: Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
- 0:40:29 SOLID4: Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
- 0:42:51 Example: Human vs. Robot Workers
- 0:45:39 SOLID5: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
- 0:50:14 Why Inversion ?
- 0:52:22 More Principles
- 0:52:47 Law of Demeter (""Don't talk to strangers"")
- 0:54:46 Example : Law of Demeter
- 0:57:47 Boy Scout Rule
- 0:59:24 Principle of Least Surprise
- 1:03:14 Code Conventions: Naming
- 1:08:03 Code Conventions: Commenting
- 1:12:52 Code Conventions: Formatting
- 1:14:12 Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
- 1:15:39 Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS)
- 1:17:22 You Ain't Gonna Need It (YAGNI)
- 1:20:20 Single Level of Abstraction (SLA)
- 1:22:18 SLA Example
- 1:24:34 Refactoring
- 1:25:09 Refactoring Code: An Example
- 1:26:20 Refactoring
- 1:26:47 The first Rule oin Refactoring
- 1:28:02 Conclusion
Laufzeit (hh:mm:ss)
Softwaretechnik II, Vorlesung, WS 2018/19
Publiziert am
Auflösung | 1280 x 720 Pixel |
Seitenverhältnis | 16:9 |
Audiobitrate | 128000 bps |
Audio Kanäle | 2 |
Audio Codec | aac |
Audio Abtastrate | 48000 Hz |
Gesamtbitrate | 934110 bps |
Farbraum | yuv420p |
Container | mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 |
Medientyp | video/mp4 |
Dauer | 5395 s |
Dateiname | DIVA-2018-730_hd.mp4 |
Dateigröße | 629.988.536 byte |
Bildwiederholfrequenz | 25 |
Videobitrate | 800011 bps |
Video Codec | h264 |
Softwaretechnik II, Vorlesung, WS 2018/19
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