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Softwaretechnik II, WS 2015/2016, gehalten am 23.11.2015, Vorlesung 10
Beteiligtes Institut
Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation (IPD)
- 0:00:00 Starten
- 0:01:22 How to Find Use Cases
- 0:03:37 Iterative Use Case Elaboration
- 0:07:02 Examples
- 0:08:16 Use Case Templates
- 0:09:32 How to write Use Cases
- 0:11:20 Further Writing Guidelines
- 0:13:50 Even More Guidelines
- 0:15:36 Fully Dressed Use Case Sections
- 0:20:05 Software Requirements Specification
- 0:22:41 Requirements Documents Structure
- 0:25:34 Requirements Management
- 0:29:03 Tooling
- 0:30:28 Conclusion
- 0:32:29 Topic 6: More Requirements Analysis: System Sequence Diagrams and Operation Contracts
- 0:34:20 Overview on Today's Lecture
- 0:36:58 Analysis and Design
- 0:40:35 First Topic: System Sequence Diagrams
- 0:46:50 System Events
- 0:48:57 System Boundary
- 0:49:36 Deriving SSDs from Use Cases
- 0:54:22 Elements in a System Sequence Diagram
- 0:56:27 Identifying System Operations
- 0:57:38 Naming Systen Events and Operations
- 1:00:37 System Interface Example
- 1:03:04 Summeray: System Sequence Diagrams
- 1:03:20 Next Topic: Operation Contracts
- 1:04:10 Describing Behavior: Operation Contracts
- 1:05:52 Operation Contracts
- 1:06:53 Operation Contract Schema
- 1:12:11 Conditions
- 1:13:45 The Spirit of Postconditions
- 1:15:49 Context: Point of Sale
- 1:16:04 POS Domain Model
- 1:19:29 Software Contract Example CO2
Laufzeit (hh:mm:ss)
Softwaretechnik II, Vorlesung, WS 2015/2016
Publiziert am
Auflösung | 1280 x 720 Pixel |
Seitenverhältnis | 16:9 |
Audiobitrate | 107367 bps |
Audio Kanäle | 2 |
Audio Codec | aac |
Audio Abtastrate | 48000 Hz |
Gesamtbitrate | 913286 bps |
Farbraum | yuv420p |
Container | mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 |
Medientyp | video/mp4 |
Dauer | 4873 s |
Dateiname | DIVA-2015-841_hd.mp4 |
Dateigröße | 4.096 byte |
Bildwiederholfrequenz | 25 |
Videobitrate | 799825 bps |
Video Codec | h264 |
Softwaretechnik II, Vorlesung, WS 2015/2016
Folgen 1-28
von 28